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Thyroid Masterclass Friday 21st February 2025 2pm to 4pm GMT or 6pm to 8pm in UAE.

Please register on zoom link below.

CPD approved for 2 external category 1 credits, RCP code 150566

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6.00pm (2.00pm GMT). Registration. Chair: Prof Amir Sam

6.00pm - 6.01pm Welcome and Introduction (Professor Amir Sam, Imperial College)

6.01pm - 6.25pm Management of thyroid disorders in pregnancy (Dr Sheba Jarvis, Imperial College London)

6.30pm - 6.55pm Management of thyroid emergencies (Professor Ketan Dhatariya , Consultant Endocrinologist, Norfolk and Norwich)

7.00pm - 7.25pm Management of Graves ophthalmopathy (Thyroid Eye Disease)(Prof Karim Meeran, Professor of Endocrinology, Imperial College)

7.30pm - 7.55pm. Management of medullary thyroid cancer (Dr Florian Wernig, Imperial College, London)

7.55pm-8.00pm Q & A

8.00pm Closing remarks.