Courses for which SPRs could claim study leave from their clinical tutors.

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The Deanery pays your trust £860 per year for you to be trained, and this should be used for course fees. If it is not claimed, it may be lost. Some clinical tutors may not allow you to carry over the money from year to year, so find out the rules in your trust from your clinical tutor. S/he should sign your study leave form. If there is any doubt about whether the course you want to attend has been approved, you could direct your tutor to this site.

Please let me know if you think any other courses should be included on this website.

Courses which SPRs should go on once

Towards the end of their training, SPRs may be required (before obtaining CCST) to go on a management course.

National/International meetings

These include Diabetes UK, the British Endocrine Society meeting, the American Endocrine Society meeting, the American Diabetes Association meeting and the meeting of the EASD (European Association for the study of diabetes). Ideally all SPRs should go on at least one of these every year. The annual meetings of the British Thyroid Association and the Pituitary Clinico-Pathological conference should also be included.

Clinical Practice days

SPRs should submit abstracts and present on some of these meetings each year. The dates of these should be on this website in future. There is usually one at the end of the summer school, and another each February at the Royal Society of Medicine.

Locally organised training

For trainees in North West Thames, the dates are on this website.

General Internal Medicine

The Royal College of Physician run an advanced Medicine course every spring and a "GIM" course eah October. These and similar courses are approved for trainees in GIM and diabetes and endocrinology.