General Internal Medicine Courses for which SPRs could claim study leave from their clinical tutors.

The Deanery have now published what an SPR who is accrediting in GIM needs. This is 50 half days over the 5 years of training. Regions where training programmes spend a day per month, with half GIM (NOT your speciality) and half speciality will not need any extra training. You will then be able to claim that you have attended 10 half days of GIM each year. In view of the fact that some of the time, attendance will not be possible, the deanery will accept 70% attendance, so that SpRs will need AT LEAST 3.5 days (seven half days) each year of documented attendance.

Many regions and specialities have not yet laid this on, and those of you approaching your CCST might need to do a few days to make up any deficiencies. Exactly what you need may be specified at your PYA. This web page will hold details of courses that might be seen as approved for GIM training, and one could attend a GIM course specifically to meet any requirements. For example a one week course (5 days) will fully meet one years requirement. Some of you may only need a day or two in addition to your regional Calman Training days. GIM at your own hospital (eg Grand Rounds, Staff rounds etc) does not count, but specially organised interhospital days do.

Acute Medicine (Hammersmith Hospital)

The Deanery pays your trust £860 per year for you to be trained, and this should be used for course fees. If it is not claimed, it may be lost. Some clinical tutors may not allow you to carry over the money from year to year, so find out the rules in your trust from your clinical tutor. S/he should sign your study leave form. If there is any doubt about whether the course you want to attend has been approved, you could direct your tutor to this site.

Please let me know if you think any other courses should be included on this website.

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