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Lipids Masterclass Friday 28th June 2024 2pm to 4pm.

ZOOM or one of the lecture theatres at Charing Cross Hospital.

CPD approved for 2 external category 1 credits, RCP code 148671


2.00pm. Registration. Chair: Amir Sam

2.00pm - 2.02pm Welcome and Introduction (Professor Amir Sam, Imperial College)

2.02pm - 2.25pm Hypercholesterolaemia: familial or not? (Prof Steve Humphries, Professor Cardiovascular Genetics at UCL)
2.25pm - 2.30pm Q & A

2.30pm - 2.55pm Diagnosis & management of severe hypertriglyceridaemia. (Prof Tony Weirzbicki, Consultant Chemical Pathologist, Kings College, London)
2.55pm-2.59pm Q & A

3.00pm - 3.25pm. Lipid disorders in pregnancy (Dr Radha Ramachandran, Consultant chemical Pathologist, London)
3.25pm-3.30pm Q & A

3.30pm-3.55pm.Lipoprotein (a) in clinical practice: a call to action (Dr Jaimini Cegla, Consultant Chemical pathologist, Imperial College, London UK)
3.55pm-4.00pm Q & A
4.00pm Closing remarks.