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First Deg' Block
Mobitz type 1
Mobitz type 2
Third Deg Block
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Right Bundle Branch Block

Left Bundle Branch Block

The QRS complex represents the amount of time required to depolarize the ventricles.
A normal QRS is 0.08-0.12 seconds in length. A length greater than 0.12 seconds is considered a BBB. This means that there may be a block in one of the bundle branches, or the electrical impulse was conducted through an abnormal conduction pathway. This can occur in any rhythm. The causes range from normal to pericarditis, myocarditis, congested heart failure and congenital heart disease.

Rate: Atrial and ventricular rate can vary depending on the specific rhythm involved. Any rhythm can have BBB. The P Wave depends on the intrinsic rhythm involved. The QRS is the determining factor and it must be greater than 0.12 seconds.

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First Degree AV Block

Definition: 1AVB is a rhythm in which the electrical impulse which leaves the SA node and travels through the atria, AV node, Bundle of His to Purkinjie fibres is slowed down and takes longer than normal to arrive at its destination. The normal PR interval is 0.12- 0.20 seconds. A 1AVBT is greater than 0.20 seconds. The cause ranges from coronary heart disease, inferior wall MI's, hyperkalemia, congenital abnormalities, and medications such as quinidine, digitalis, beta blockers, and calcium-channel blockers.

Rate: The atrial rate or P waves can vary to any rate. The ventricular rate can also vary. There must be a 1:1 conduction of the P waves to the QRS waves. Rhythm: Atrial and ventricular rates are usually regular, but they may also be irregular. P Wave: Usually normally shaped and occurring with a 1:1 ratio with the QRS. PR interval: greater than 0.20 seconds. QRS Complex: Within normal limits or may have a bundle branch block.
ST Segment:
Within normal limits for the intrinsic rhythm. T Wave: Within normal size and configuration.

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Second degree AV Block Type 1 (Mobitz)

Second degree AV Block Type II

Second degree AV block is also known as Second Degree Type I, Mobitz I, or Wenckebach. This arrhythmia is characterized by a progressive delay of the conduction at the AV node, until the conduction is completely blocked. This occurs because the impulse arrives during the absolute refractory period, resulting in an absence of conduction, and no QRS. The next P wave occurs and the cycle begins again. Possible causes are acute inferior wall myocardial infraction, digitalis, beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, rheumatic fever, myocarditis, or excessive vagal tone.

Rate is usually 60-100 beats per minute. Atrial rhythm is regular. Ventricular rhythm is irregular. P Wave configuration is normal. PR interval gets longer with each beat until QRS complex is dropped. QRS complex is normal, but is dropped periodically. ST Segment and T Wave are normal in configuration.

Mobitz II is characterized by 2-4 P waves before each QRS. The PR pf the conducted P wave will be constant for each QRS. It is usually associated with acute anterior or anteroseptal myocardial infarction. Other causes are cardiomyopathy, rheumatic heart disease, coronary artery disease, digitalis, beta blockers, and calcium channel blockers. Mobitz II has the potential of progressing into a third degree heart block or ventricular standstill.

Ventricular rate will depend on the number of impulses conducted through the AV node, and will be less than the atrial rate. Rhythm: Atrial and ventricular rate is irregular. P Wave: Present in two, three or four to one conduction with the QRS. PR Interval: Constant for each P wave prior to the QRS. QRS: May be within normal limits for the intrinsic rhythm. ST Segment: Normal in size and configuraration.

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Third Degree. Complete Block

A third degree atrial ventricular block is also know as a complete heart block atrioventricular block of 3 degree AV block. It is a problem with electrical conduction. All electrical conduction from the atria are blocked at the AV junction, therefore, the atria and the ventricles beat independently from each other. This arrhythmia is dangerous because it significantly decreases cardiac output, and could lead to asystole. Possible causes: acute inferior and anterior myocardic infraction, coronary heart disease, excessive vagal tone, myocarditis, endocarditis, age, oedema from heart surgery, and meditation toxicity from digitalis, beta blockers, calcium channel blockers

Atrial rate faster than ventricular rate. Rhythm: Regular, but there is normal configuration. PR Interval: There is no relationship between P waves and QRS complexes. QRS Complex: Variates depending on the intrinsic rhythm.
ST Segment
and T Wave: Normal configurations.

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ST Elevation

ST segment elevation is usually attributed to impending infarction, but can also be due to pericarditis or vasospastic (variant) angina. In some healthy young adults, a form of ST elevation can be normal. The height of the ST segment is measured at a point 2 boxes after the end of the QRS complex. ST segment elevation is considered significant if it exceeds 1 mm in a limb lead or 2 mm in a precordial lead.

In transmural infarction, ST segment elevation will be among the first manifestations. The ST segment elevation will be seen in those leads involved in impending infarction.

ST segment elevation decreases as T wave inversion begins. ST segments may remain elevated when ventricular aneurysm develops.

ST segment elevation that persists beyond three months following myocardial infarction suggests ventricular aneurysm. ST elevation will be present in about 1/3 of ventricular aneurysms. When the patient with ventricular aneurism presents with acute chest pain, a baseline ECG may help avoid misdiagnosis of impending infarction (and use of non-needed thrombolytic drugs).

Vasospastic angina
ST segment elevation can be seen in a severe type of ischemia called vasospastic or Prinzmetal’s angina. While exercise angina involves the subendocardium, vasospastic angina causes severe transmural loss of blood flow. ST elevation simply indicates injury, whether due to coronary thrombosis with impending infarction, or coronary spasm (Prinzmetal’s angina). At this point, the injury is reversible.

Pericarditis, an inflammation of the space between the pericardial sack and outer surface of the heart, causes widespread ST segment elevation. Physical damage and irritation of the heart’s surface produces a “current of injury” in virtually all ECG leads.

Generalized ST segment elevation, unrelated to the distribution of any coronary artery, implies pericarditis. One must be very cautious in diagnosing pericarditis from the ECG. For example, an inferolateral transmural infarction with pre-existing junctional ST elevation in the anterior leads, could produce widespread ST elevation that could be confused with pericarditis.

Later in the course of pericarditis, ST segment elevation resolves, without development of Q waves. After days to months, ST elevation is replaced by widespread T wave inversions.

Early repolarization” is a cause of ST elevation. This innocent condition typically occurs in young healthy males. The T wave begins early, adding elevation to the ST segment.

Usually, early repolarization shows elevation of the J point (the junction between the end of the QRS and the ST segment) and a concave upward curve towards the T wave. (“Concave upward” means the hollow portion of the curve is on top.)

Early repolarization is usually seen in the anterior precordial leads of the ECG, but can be seen in limb leads to a lesser degree.

Early repolarization cannot always be differentiated from myocardial infarction. In the chest pain patient, it’s safest to assume ST elevation to be infarction until proven otherwise by reviewing a previous ECG or by obtaining serial ECGs.

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